zaterdag 13 augustus 2011

HDC the Oldtimers int.weekend Part 3

and here some bikes of buddy's of mine
the one without paint and the wicked exhaust/intake system is kev's
the brown /gold bobber is a ungoing project from danny ,who also owns some other cool rides
the green wicked old school ??? bobber is Ken's (thats kevins DAD !! > and a cool guy )
the black bobber with the checkerd flag rearfender is from my good mate Peter from 45 flathead service
(check his site )

today was a good day ,it took all the energy i had saved from the last 3 days
but i didn't regret going
loads of great friends asked about my health and situation an d almost all of them offered their help in any way they can

again guys thanks ....but i have to go threw this ...its my cancer and those fucked up chemo's
but all the love you guys gave me me new strength !!!
for the comming chemotherapy

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