zaterdag 21 januari 2012

woensdag 18 januari 2012

won the batlle from cancer !!

today was a good day
had a controle check last monday PET scan /CT scan and an MRI
and unfortunatly i had to wait 1,5 week for the results of this check up

but the great news came today ,no more cancer in my body
you can't understand what that did to my family wife came with me and right after i was told the good news i called my son
and went to my parents ,called my sister en bought some champain ,went to friends to drink it etc .......
man i'm stoked !!

in the beginning the doctors told me that i had a rare kind of cancer
hardly treathable and in my case they didn't know what kind of chemo to give
most people don't make it with this  form of cancer i'm blessed

times been though and i'm still out of energy and weak of all the threatments i've got
but now things can only get better

all i have to fight now is the pneumonia that i have

thank you all !!!!


vrijdag 6 januari 2012

redwing 877 logger boots

got me these high redwing boots ....but i prefer them low like my 875's
so i took them to my buddy kees vd sluis who's the best shoe repair specialist here in the hague !!
i asked him and he said ,sure no problem !!
(ofcourse not he's a 5th generation shoe repair man )

the pics prob. won't show how great the craftmanship is kees delivered
because i took them with my i-phone 3 ....( i know outdated)
but its amazing !!

never seen this model low the way i have em now ;-)
if you life in the netherlands and you want your shoes done go to :
and also for all the work you need to have done to your redwings ,or other shoes,leather gloves,bags,purse ..... and more